Moving Across the Country with On the Move Moving from one home to the next can be difficult, but what happens if you are moving across...
Are you a properly licensed moving company? What licenses does On The Move have to do moving? We have our basic business license through the county and...
On the Move moving company has an actual warehouse where you can store stuff yourself? Is this unique for moving and storage companies? Absolutely. Suppose you’re between...
On The Move Will Help You Avoid Becoming a Moving Horror Story You’ve probably heard someone tell a moving horror story— tales of disreputable companies that hold...
Our latest blog series features a Q&A with owner, Don Watson. Here’s his take on how On the Move, one of the top Middle Tennessee local movers...
You have an interesting little niche here in Middle Tennessee where you work with restoration companies. How does restoration moving work? Absolutely. How that works is if...
Most people can agree that moving is a lot of work. You have to move your whole life from one place to another, and whether that place...
Storage units are a great solution for holding your household goods while in the process of moving, but there are some things that just plain should not...
What should people who are moving soon do to get ready? Typically, April/May is when things start happening at a little bit greater rate than normal. From...
On The Move has a partnership with Journey Home. Can you tell us a little bit about that? Yes, what we’re doing right now with On the...