What should people who are moving soon do to get ready?

Typically, April/May is when things start happening at a little bit greater rate than normal. From Memorial Day on out to Labor Day is our busiest season and that seems to be all through our industry. School’s out and people like to try to get moved and settled before school’s back in. So, a lot of people moving soon pop up all at once. 

One of our things that we try to emphasize with people is if you know that you’re moving soon, it’s never too early to begin that process. Give us a call to begin as soon as possible. Because at some point, supply and demand will get out of whack during the summer. And then after Labor Day it’ll usually even back out a little bit.

Our goal is to try to get ahead of that curve a little bit. And even if you know you’re moving in May or June or July, April and May is definitely not too soon to be planning that.

Does On the Move have to staff up during the busy time?

Don: We do. Our core group works pretty much throughout the whole year but we will bring on some temps, college help or high school help just to kind of help with the additional shipments that we’ll be moving during the summer. Of course, they go through the same kind of process we do with all of our employees. But yes, we’ll definitely staff up a little bit and then like I said, once the peak season goes, our core will be back to normal hours and things like that of working.