Six Tips for Making In-Town Moves Easier

Six Tips for Making In-Town Moves Easier

There can be some significant differences between a long-distance move and an in-town move. It’s tempting to wait until the last minute and throw everything together for a short distance move.

Even though an in-town move or a move to a nearby city is a short distance, there are still some challenges to overcome, and it requires planning and strategy. On The Move Moving and Storage is an in-town moving expert, and we are standing by to make your short-distance move a breeze.

1. Start Early With A Checklist.

It’s tempting to put things off until the last minute, thinking an in-town move requires less preparation. Moving around the corner or across the country requires organization and preparation.

Start early by creating a moving checklist on your phone or piece of paper with all the tasks that need to be finished before moving day arrives. After you compile your list, prioritize the most critical tasks to guarantee they get done on time.

Did you know there’s an app for that? Evernote is a great app to stay organized throughout the move. It stores all your notes, texts, images, links, and lists in one digital notebook. You can even share the notebook with family members, so everyone stays up to date on the to-do list!

Another app option is Moving Checklist. This app counts down to the moving day and keeps track of significant tasks you should do each month, week or day leading up to the move. It also helps you connect with major websites and services, like the US Post Office’s change-of-address website.

2. Time to de-clutter!

Take this opportunity to de-clutter your home so you don’t move items you won’t need or use. This will save time, energy, and packing space. There’s also nothing quite like starting fresh and de-cluttered in your new digs.

Take the time to inventory your home and identify items you would like to get rid of or re-home. One rule of thumb is, if you haven’t used it in the past 10 to 12 months, then you probably don’t need it. Collect all these items and make a plan to either donate or sell them.

3. Clean in advance but delay the deliveries.

If you can get early access to your new home, either hire a cleaning company or go over yourself and give the place a thorough scrubbing before you move any of your things in. It’s nice to start a new season of life in a freshly cleaned home, and you won’t have to clean around boxes or furniture.

The same goes for painting. If you plan to do any painting or home improvement projects, arrange to have it done before any furniture or boxes make the tasks challenging.

However, delay any deliveries of big items like furniture or appliances until after you move in. It’s inconvenient to have delivery trucks show up when you are trying to unload the moving truck. You also can’t always rely on deliveries to arrive on time. You don’t want to be stuck waiting around for a delivery that “might come between 3 and 7 pm” when you’ve got a whole list of things to do!

4. Arrange a moving day with On The Move Moving and Storage.

The most convenient way to move any distance is to hire an experienced moving company. Even though you are moving within the area, there are several reasons to avoid the DIY move option.

Moving companies are experts at dismantling and moving heavy or bulky furniture. They can also pack it properly, so nothing is damaged. And you avoid injuring yourself trying to move heavy items—especially up or down stairs.

If you have any items that require special care, like pianos, grandfather clocks, or antique furniture, you should hire a professional moving company to avoid damaging these unique pieces of furniture.

Hiring a moving company also makes packing faster and easier so your routine is not too disrupted. Instead of spending every evening and weekend packing up your belongings, a professional moving crew can have everything neatly and carefully packed in a few hours.

5. Get the good packing material

If you choose to pack up most or all of your belongings yourself, don’t skimp on the packing materials. It’s tempting to think, “it’s just going a few miles” and pack things carelessly.

Avoid the heartache of finding your beloved collectibles broken. Pack everything correctly and use the right packing material. Using trash bags and other make-shift packing material increases the risk that items will get broken or accidentally thrown away.

The essential packing materials you will need are cardboard boxes of all sizes, packing tape, clean packing paper, and bubble wrap for fragile items, dishes, and glassware.

Many local businesses have stacks of cardboard boxes they are happy to give away. Check the local grocery stores, electronics stores, and bookstores for sturdy boxes.

As you pack, keep track of your belongings with the app called Sortly. It provides an intuitive system to track what you pack. As you pack, photograph each item, tag it by which room it came from or where you will put it in the new home, then add any additional notes.

When you arrive at your new place, you will know what is in each box with Sortly. As a bonus, you will have a digital list of all your belongings!

6. Finish it in one day

Even if you take several small loads to the new house a head of time, you probably planned a primary “moving day” when you will move the furniture and bulk of your belongings. It’s tempting to leave some small items or unfinished tasks in your old house that didn’t fit in the truck or were inconvenient, thinking you will come back for them tomorrow or another day.

Once you get that last big load to your new home, you probably won’t want to go back for those small items or tasks. Bite the bullet and make sure everything is done on moving day so you can begin to unpack and settle in without having to worry about what you might have left behind.

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