What You Should Ask Any Moving Company Before Making Your Move

What You Should Ask Any Moving Company Before Making Your Move

moving companyWhen hiring a moving company, you want to ensure that you’re getting qualified and professional people to handle your possessions. Simply choosing a moving service because they happen to be local isn’t one of the best choices to make.

Ask for a consultation before officially choosing a moving company to help you, especially if the moving service is helping you move across the country. During the consultation, try to get a feel for who they are. Additionally, ask the following questions in order to gauge their experience and professional quality.

  1. How much experience does the moving service have?
    Experience may not be the root of quality, but it certainly doesn’t hurt for a business to have some. Experience means that the moving business you’re considering working with knows what they’re doing. They not only know how to do their job, but because they’ve been in the business for so long, they also know how to do it well.
  2. Does the moving company licensed?
    The moving company you decide to work will need to have a state license if you’re moving within your state. However, if you plan to move to a different state, the company you work will will need to have a US DOT number. A US DOT number is a license number provided by the United States Department of Transportation and should be valid.
  3. What does the company do to ensure the protection of your belongings?
    Moving services work differently, but each one should have the goal to keep your possessions in great shape and without incident. Depending on the company, the service’s moving trucks may include moving supplies such as floor protection, door frame protection, ramps, moving blankets, dollies, tape, stretch wrap, and tools to keep your belongings safe and sound.
  4. Does the business have online reviews?
    This may not be a question you need to ask the company itself unless you want to ask them about a particular review. Online reviews are great to use because they give you an accurate look at the business from the client’s point of view. In other words, you’ll hear about the business from the mouth of your peers.

It’s always a good idea to ask a company about themselves before committing to working with them. Throughout their life, the average American will often move up to 12 times and each of those times you want to ensure the professionals moving your possessions are an experienced and quality company.

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